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Osage County 911 Communications Center

About Osage County 911 Communications Center 

The Osage County 911 Communications Center provides emergency dispatch services for all of Osage County, Missouri. We receive approximately 1400 calls for assistance per month. Our goal is to provide prompt, professional dispatch service for ALL calls we receive making Osage county a safer community in which to live, work, and visit.

Osage County 9
11 Communications Center is a division of County government formed by a vote of the citizens in 2001. The County Commission and a 911 Advisory Board oversees the operation of the 911 system. The Commission employs a 911 Director to implement the policies and procedures and to manage the day-to-day operation of the 911 system.

The 911 director hires and supervises the staff to ensure the efficient operation of the 911 system.​

Funding for Osage County 911 Communications Center 

Osage County 911 Communications Center is funded by a half-cent sales tax. This money is collected by the Osage County Treasurer and is forwarded to Osage County 911 Communications Center each month. This revenue pays for salaries and operational expenses. 

Training for 911 Communications Center Staff 

Initial training requirements in the state of Missouri for 911 dispatchers who answer 911 calls that come into a public safety answering point (PSAP) are as follows: 

  • Police Telecommunicator

  • Fire Telecommunicator

  • Emergency Medical Services Telecommunicator

  • Joint Communications Center Telecommunicator

Osage County 911 dispatchers receive specialized training to provide information to callers that often improves the outcome of an emergency. Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMDs) are trained to provide pre-arrival instructions to callers. Medical emergencies are the most common use of pre-arrival instructions. Other pre-arrival instructions include evacuation and survival techniques in a burning building or exiting and/or barricading techniques with callers involved in a domestic disturbance.




Not all 911 centers provide EMD, and Osage County is very proud to be among those that provide this life-saving service. Just staying on the phone with callers so they are not "alone" while awaiting the

arrival of responders is a benefit. Osage County 911 dispatchers also receive some of the following training:

  • Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES training)

  • CPR

  • Telecommunicator Liability

  • Suicide Intervention

  • Domestic Violence Intervention

  • Hazardous Materials Preparedness

  • Hostage Negotiations

All persons employed as a 911 dispatchers are also required to complete 12 hours of ongoing training annually, so long as such person engages in the occupation. 

Staffing for the 911 Communications Center

A minimum of two dispatchers are on duty 24x7, 365 days a year. 

Osage County MO

Emergency Management Agency


573-897-3561 - Office

573-897-0911 - 24/7/365
573-897-0379 - Fax - Email


© 2023 Osage County Missouri 911/EMA 

Official website of the Osage County 911 / Emergency Management Agency

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