Osage County Floodplain Development Permit
Procedures for No-Rise Certification
ample Certificate of Elevation
Application for Substantial Damage or Improvement Review
2012 Floodproofing Certificate
Statement of Understanding for Floodproofed Electrical Components Installed Below the BFE
Floodplain Permits and Certificates
Amendment to Floodplain Ordinance - Amended May 2, 2013
Floodplain Management Ordinance
If you are building or developing in Osage County, please contact our office to see if you are in the floodplain. Just because you don’t live near a river, doesn’t mean you’re not in the floodplain. Everyone is encouraged to verify before building to avoid violations.
Floodplain Development Quick Guides
Osage County Factsheet General Information
New Residential Structures in the SFHA
Non-Residential Structures in the SFHA
Floodplain Development in the Floodway
Accessory and Agricultural Structures
Substantial Damage and Improvements
FEMA Map Service Center - click here to create your own FEMA FIRMette.
Information about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Osage County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The basis of NFIP participation is the adoption and enforcement of floodplain management regulations. Osage County, as a whole, needs to enforce the ordinance in order for the County to retain its good standing status in the NFIP and for current and future flood insurance policy holders to retain their flood insurance.
The Osage County Commission voluntarily adopted a local floodplain management ordinance in 1990. What the ordinance means to floodplain property owners is that permits will be required for all development located within the floodplain to include the subdivision or building; substantial improvement or substantial damage of existing structures; placement of manufactured (mobile) homes, temporary buildings and accessory structures; agricultural structures; the parking and storage of recreational vehicles; temporary or permanent materials storage, including gas/liquid storage and sand/gravel; roads, bridges and culverts in the floodplain; filling, grading, excavating, mining and dredging; and stream alteration in the floodplain. Permits are prior to the start of any construction, development, remodeling or land disturbance activities. Any development or construction activities that occur without proper permits are considered to be violations and may result in fines up to $300 per day.
A file has been started for most structures in the floodplain. Each file contains the physical address of the structure, photographs of the structure, all appropriate permits and any other documentation relating to the existing structure. If you have permits/certificates for your structures in the floodplain, Osage County would appreciate you making a copy and sending it to our office so we can verify the status of your situation.
This ordinance pertains to all floodplain property owners whether you have flood insurance or not, whether your property/structure floods or not and whether you’ve collected federal funding after a declared flood disaster or not- - - Osage County must enforce this ordinance in order for the county to retain its good standing status in the National Flood Insurance Program so that current and future flood insurance policy holders can retain, and acquire, flood insurance.
You can also view the floodplain online by using Google Earth. You will need to download Google Earth and then download the FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer. Drag the FEMA NFHL v3.0.kmz layer to the Google Earth map and you’ll be able to view the floodplain.
NFIP Program Description (For a more detailed overview and history of the program).
Buying flood insurance (The best thing you can do to protect your home, your business, family, and financial security).
Technical Bulletin - Requirements for Flood Damage-resistant Materials
Technical Bulletin - Crawlspace Construction for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas
Technical Bulletin - Non-Residential Floodproofing Requirements and Certification