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  • When does the Osage County Health Department public gathering order go into effect?
    The original Osage County Health Department public gathering order took effect on March 17, 2020. It was extended on March 31,2020.
  • When does the Osage County Health Department public gathering order expire?
    The Osage County Health Department public gathering order took is set to expire effective on May 1, 2020. It may be extended dependent upon circumstances at that time.
  • Why was the public gathering order issued?
    This order was issued to protect the health and safety of all residents, with the goal of limiting the continued spread of COVID-19 in our community.
  • What does the public gathering order require?
    The public gathering orders requires that groups of 10 or greater cannot congregate and requests that residents to stay home unless they are going to work, out for groceries, pharmacy or to seek medical care. Going outside is okay. When engaging in any outdoor activity, individuals must comply with Physical Distancing Requirements.
  • How do the Osage County Health Department orders apply to restaurants?
    The restaurants can still provide food services via takeout, carry out and curb service and drive through, if available. Dine-in service at on-site restaurants and bars is not permitted actually due to an order from the Governor’s office/DHSS.
  • How do the Osage County Health Department orders apply to grocery stores with seating at deli's, etc?"
    Grocery stores can provide food services. No dine-in service is allowed.
  • Can mobile food units and temporary food events still operate?
    Yes. Mobile food units and temporary food events may provide curbside, drive-through, takeout, and delivery food and beverage services. Congregate seating is not allowed and Physical Distancing Requirements must be met.
  • How do the Osage County Health Department orders apply to gas stations with food services?
    Gas stations can provide food services. No dine-in service is allowed.
  • What does "Self-Quarantine" mean?"
    "Self-Quarantine" means to separate and restrict the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick. These individuals should avoid contact with any other individual and have their own bedroom and bathroom, away from others.
  • Do businesses and/or employees need formal certification or identification that they qualify as an essential business and/or are employed at an essential business?
    No, not for Osage County at this time; however, some other counties such as Cole, Maries and Gasconade surrounding Osage County may be requiring this based on THAT County’s law enforcement. You will need to check with a particular county on their rules for this.
  • Are gyms and workout facilities classified as essential?
    No, gyms and workout facilities are not classified as essential. Individuals can engage in outdoor activity that includes walking, hiking, running, or biking. Physical Distancing Requirements must be met.
  • Do I have to stay inside my home or place of residence while the public gathering order is in effect?
    No. You can engage in outdoor activities that include walking, hiking, running, biking, and yard work. Physical Distancing Requirements must be met.
  • Can I go to a laundromat if I don’t have my own washer/dryer?
    Yes. Laundromats, dry cleaners, and laundry service providers are okay. Physical Distancing Requirements must be met.
  • Are funeral homes able to be open with the physical distancing order?
    Yes. Funeral homes, crematoriums, cremation, burial, mortuary services, and cemeteries can be open. Physical Distancing Requirements must be met. They have been planning and have alternatives available for family and friends to maintain social distancing.
  • Where can I find information about the Osage County Health Department Order?
    Information about the order can be found at:
  • I have a specific question about the Osage County Health Department Orders. Where can I get my questions answered?
    The best way to get your questions answered is to email them to the Osage County Health Department. The email address is You can also ask questions on the Osage County Health Department Facebook Page. Both of these are being monitored days and evenings 7 days per week. If you do not email or Facebook, call the Osage County Health Department at 573-897-3103. Please note that the phone is not generally answered after business hours. You may leave a message, but your call would not be returned until the next business day.
  • Where can media inquiries about COVID-19 or the Osage County Health Department Orders be submitted?
    Media inquiries can be emailed to
  • How would I know if my business qualify as an essential business since Osage County Health Department put a Stay at Home Order in place? (NOTE: THE STATE ALSO HAS A STAY AT HOME ORDER)
    Major categories of essential businesses would be defined in the order to include: Health care (doctors, dentists, nurses, hospitals, pharmacies, medical research facilities, blood donation services, labs, etc); Food and drink production and distribution (including grocery stores, markets, restaurants that offer food for pick-up or delivery, liquor stores); Sanitation (including laundromats, dry cleaners, household and business cleaning services and supply stores); Transportation (including railroads, airports, public transit, taxis and other private transportation providers, and gas stations); Financial services (including banks, insurance providers, and professional services required to comply with legal and regulatory requirements); Manufacturing and distribution of supplies and materials for essential businesses (including trucking and other supply chain support functions); Maintenance and construction of infrastructure and households; Child care; Essential Government Functions; Residential facilities (including hotels and motels); Media and communication providers; and Mailing, shipping, and delivery services. Construction and those businesses supporting construction Landscaping Real Estate To the greatest extent feasible, Essential Businesses and Operations would have to comply with Physical Distancing Requirements. It may be possible that additional businesses would be added to this list. A list of categories of essential businesses is provided in both Stay at Home Orders.
  • Why is it so hard for people to get tested that have COVID symptoms?
    Due to a limited amount of testing kits, currently, a person must receive an order from their primary care provider to be tested or be approved for testing by the Department of Health and Senior Services.
  • Why can’t or won’t you tell us where the positive cases are located in the County?
    We live in a very small community. Reporting a specific town makes it much easier to identify the case. We give the information which we feel necessary, but our intention is to allow the cases to be unidentifiable. If it was you or a family member, would you want to be identified?
  • When someone has completed isolation or quarantining, do they get retested? "
    A person will only get retested if they continue to be symptomatic. If all symptoms have resolved by the quarantine end date, retesting is not suggested.
  • What is the definition of community spread, community contact and contact-related. "
    Community spread (acquired) - we are unable to identify where the virus was contracted. Community contact - contraction from a known positive within our community. Contact related – contraction from a direct contact with a known positive case.


Osage County MO

Emergency Management Agency

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